Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thin Girl Thursday is Back!

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately.  I have worked hard to take charge in many areas of my life.  So why is losing weight and getting healthy so hard for me to do?  I'm so tired of not wanting to do things because I feel uncomfortable in my body.  I've missed out on so much, because I'm not taking care of myself like I should.  So let's do this for real this time, sound like a plan?
I used to love to exercise and I really want to work on bringing back that loving feeling.  Last night I started tennis lessons and had so much fun!  It's a beginners tennis class, so we're working on technique and actually being able to hit the ball, so while it wasn't intense exercising I really think it will be the beginning of a fun way for me to get my booty moving!  I also brought my clothes for the gym today.  I will not get off the treadmill until I go at least 2 miles.

Thin girl Thursday is back, and will hopefully be better than ever!


  1. I want to play tennis so bad! We have tennis courts in our neighborhood but never play...not that I really know how, anyway!

    Maybe I'll join you on Thin girl Thursday and we can keep each other accountable! But I think you're beautiful just the way you are :)

  2. Yeah!!! Lets do this!! Love you!

  3. That is awesome! I need to rejoin you in this!! Get it!
